Romm Thrilled About Floods In Australia


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Romm Thrilled About Floods In Australia

  1. Attention Baghdad Romm: climate has always changed. There were worse floods in Brisbane/Ipswich in the 1800’s.

  2. omnologos says:

    Snuff-movies-for-climate-change can’t be far

  3. Charlatans the lot of them! Those floods happen every 19 years or so.

    • The thing I don’t get is why do people build houses and cities where floods have been known to happen?!

      • I think they got the go a head to build their houses when they started building the dam after the 70s flood but then the global warming bull shit kicked in and they didn’t see the need for the dam because of all the droughts, They are.. see video below 🙂


  4. Pingback: ???? » Romm Thrilled About Floods In Australia | Real Science

  5. suyts says:

    These are some sick SOBs. They make the putrid events of the Tuscon aftermath look like a sitting in Sunday school. News about the deaths and destruction, lives and livelihoods is described as A Terrific ABC News Story.

  6. Dave N says:

    There’s a sufficient smack-down (indirectly) of Romm’s blatherings over on WUWT. It is worth reading just for the ramblings of apparent troll Sou.

  7. GA7 says:

    Hand them enough rope to hang themseles. According to the UAH channel 5 satellite the Global aerage anomaly temperature will be 0 for January and then what are they going to say.

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