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- dm on UN Is Upset
- dm on UK Green Energy Record
- Francis Barnett on UK Green Energy Record
- Greg in NZ on Record Warmth Of January 1906
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- Francis Barnett on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.
Good. They are learning to be more cautious. That is a commendable improvement.
Now they need to learn to be more accurate. Starting with an objective look at the data, then a fix of the models. Hint: previous solar cycle length might be a statistically significant variable.
I think they have re-assessed their press releases after the recent scandal of ‘forecasting’ in graphical form a milder than usual winter on their website while telling the government there was a coming deep freeze.
Watch it, they’re trying to throw us off guard by being rational for a change-they must have been grating their teeth to the nub while writing this.
I’m with the guys that are ‘ehem’ skeptical of the Met’s current position. This is so out of character, I’m pretty sure they’ve something massively stupid up their sleeve and are waiting for the most inappropriate time to state it.
Interesting. Sir John Houghton, the former head of the Met Office and IPCC Scientific Assessment Working Group chairman does say that the frequency of such events pointed to trends characterised by a changing climate affected by human activity.
I can never get those hyperlinks to work… here you go.
Yeh, I’ve seen that, except when one looks, there are no trends other than declining trends. But the Met nor the IPCC let reality stand in the way of a fascinating narrative.
BTW, I too, have probs with my linking thingy, but a WUWT fan, Ric Werme, has a nice page and examples on how to do it, I simply use his example and replace his words with mine and his link with the ones I wish to use. Go here, and scroll down to the section labeled “Formatting in Comments” I’ll get it memorized one day, but until then, I just go there when my link is too lengthy.
Must be a misprint.