This Is Not A Trend

Week 7 of 2010 had the second largest Northern Hemisphere snow cover of  the 2372 weeks in the Rutgers record. The snowiest week ever was week 6 of 1978.

The graph above shows the number of weeks per decade which ranked in the top fifty. Snow declined from the 1970s through the 1990s as winters warmed, but winters have cooled dramatically during the past decade.

During the 1990s, the mild winters were blamed on global warming. Now the cold winters are blamed on global warming – by the same snake oil salesmen.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to This Is Not A Trend

  1. Anything is possible says:

    More to the point, the major areas of cooling have occurred in areas immediately to the south of the normal snowline. Little wonder that snow cover has increased.

    CO2 works in mysterious ways……. (:-

  2. Yes, not only do they say global warming will cause more snow but it will make record cold. At least that’s what they’re saying now, after the fact.

  3. peterhodges says:

    and at least for the sierra, you can count snow depth jumping higher in the 2000’s as well

    much, much, higher

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    All the snow cover this current month is adding to the trend!

  5. Bob in NC says:

    If I have this right, AGW makes our winters both warmer and snowier, and our summers hotter and dryer. So if we lower CO2, we will have hotter dryer winters and cooler wetter summers.

    So if the NH winter of 2010-2011 is too warm and too wet and therefore we have snow levels like those of the 1970’s. And this is bad, and proof that the world is warming, right?

    Ideally if we lower CO2, we should return to winters that are colder and dryer, but just as wet and a return to the snow levels of the 1970’s. And this would be good, right?

    So the NH winter of 2010-2011 is proof of global warming, because it is both too warm, with too much snow. If we reduce global warming, we will have winters that are much colder but with the same amount of snow, and this would be ideal…

    Little did I know that 1979 was the most perfect year for mother earth. Just the right amount of ice at the North pole (more than we have now), just the right amount of ice at the South pole (less than we have now). And just the right amount of NH snow, the same as we had in 1979. Without runaway global warming, the snow levels in the NH would not change at all……..

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