Time Magazine : If Three Billion People Stop Eating, Heating Their Homes, Driving To Work and Breathing – We Can Save The Planet

While the challenges are clearly daunting, some scientists complained in the wake of February’s IPCC report that sensationalist media coverage painting an inevitable and apocalyptic picture of climate change paralyzes rather than galvanizes the public. But the unwritten word behind the IPCC’s dire predictions, and its source of hope, is if. If we can limit and later eliminate carbon emissions, if we can make a rapid transition to cleaner energy, if we help poorer nations adapt to the changes underway, then the worst consequences will be averted. But that can only happen if we act globally.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Time Magazine : If Three Billion People Stop Eating, Heating Their Homes, Driving To Work and Breathing – We Can Save The Planet

  1. Jeff K says:

    I thought it was a consensus that it was too late, that even with zero carbon emissions the climate change horse has left the gate and we’re unable to rein her in. Pull up a chair, have a beer, and enjoy the beauty of the meteor about to careen into us-where’s Bruce Willis when you need him.

    • Paul H says:

      “I thought it was a consensus that it was too late”

      No Jeff we have got until the next Climate Change Conference. Of like tomorrow, the next one never comes.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    I didn’t know the world needed to be saved.

  3. maguro says:

    First step: Stop printing Time magazine.

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