Undoing The Damage


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Undoing The Damage

  1. Al Gored says:

    Delist the AGW poster child? This will be interesting. The listers will be launching some pretty entertaining ‘science’ to explain why so many bears will be wiped out by climate models.

  2. Excellent move. Next all the barren land in Alaska that is loaded with oil needs to become unprotected, i.e., normal too. Everything will be fine.

    BTW, environmentalists, I don’t care what you think of that. Your ilk has been ruining the world long enough.

  3. BioBob says:

    seems like a good idea to me. never should have been listed in the first place since there never was any real issue with endangerment.

    just bullcrap pc from start to finish.

    and to top it all off, polar bears are actually only a race of the boreal species Ursus arctos since they freely interbreed with griz with viable offspring and so should be called Ursus arctos maritimus.

  4. Jimbo says:

    The bears were threatened in the 1950s when the numbered 5,000. Today they number 20,000 to 25,000. The real threat is from hunting which takes out around 1,000 bears a year.

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