United States Being Pummeled With Human Caused Heat

The heat is trying to find a way out through all that excess CO2, but there is just too much CO2 up there. We are all going to fry.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to United States Being Pummeled With Human Caused Heat

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    Oh geez Steve, can’t you see that it’s just a local weather event. 🙂

  2. Justa Joe says:

    My town shows in pink. It’s fricking freezing here, and definitely not above “normal”.

  3. suyts says:

    More of the human induced hotcold!

  4. Mike Davis says:

    It is warmer today than it was yesterday but the snow is coming in again tonight according to NWS so either we will freeze or fry. They have been doing that good about next day conditions!

  5. peterhodges says:

    i call bullshit on this map.

    it’s been -5 every night, and not has not gone above freezing at my house in two weeks

    and i live under one of those tan spots in california. it may warm up close to normal for a few days. if we are lucky. so far no luck.

  6. peterhodges says:

    well, maybe they have us purple.

    the tan spot could be the high desert an hour south, although the forecast for death valley is for upper 50’s for the period. i believe that is also 10 degrees below normal

    so it’s still bullshit

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