White Fella Speaks With Forked Tounge

ONE of Julia Gillard’s top climate change advisers has warned that global warming may cause more extreme rain events.

Climate change committee member Professor Will Steffen, the executive director of the ANU Climate Change Institute, said there was no direct link between global warming and the tragic flash flooding in Toowoomba which has killed at least nine people in southeast Queensland.

But he told The Australian Online that climate change would lead to heavier, more frequent rain.

“As the climate warms, there is more water vapour in the atmosphere,” he told The Australian Online.


Ahh… That explains why California gets all their rain in the winter when the air is cold.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to White Fella Speaks With Forked Tounge

  1. Beano says:

    Professor David Karoly of the University of Melbourne Earth science department – a well known warminist, was interviewed yesterday regarding the cause of the devastating rainfalls over Queensland and Eastern Australia.

    He blamed the very cold La Nina event in concert with the very warm waters around Eastern Australia. He had to get it in that climate change has caused the worlds oceans to warm by one degree.

    F.W.I.W these are not the worst floods in Queensland’s history – that honour goes back to 1893. Before that records didn’t exist.

  2. bubbagyro says:

    These pitiful fools just don’t seem to have the logical ability to think things through to their conclusion. I feel sorry for them—that is, if they weren’t sucking billions of $$$ out of our pockets.

    On second thought, maybe they are really that smart, after all! Now that would be a cynical deed, indeed!

    —Exeter, NH

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Another candidate for my tar n feather honour roll.

  4. Lank from the South says:

    Beano – the very same David Karoly in 2003 blamed global warming for ‘Australia’s worst drought”

    I wonder what he will say when snow becomes a regular winter event in Queensland.

  5. more extreme rain events

    Funny, there wasn’t anything in Al Gore’s movie about that.

  6. Erik says:

    Global warming contributes to Australia’s worst drought

  7. Jimbo says:

    “As the climate warms, there is more water vapour in the atmosphere,” he told The Australian Online.

    That must explain the recent droughts in Australia. / sarc off

  8. Magnus A says:

    Good argument, and the notion is stupid since the air containing more water doesn’t mean that more much rain, or extreme rain. There was less sever extreme weather during the holocene optimum — when it was 1-2 C warmer than today — but large parts of the Sahara Desert, and the Arabian Desert then was green and the rain more friendly, due to paleovegetation research; Link:


  9. Magnus A says:

    (Improvement: …that increase in extreme rain…; sorry my englisch…)

  10. Bruce says:

    “The pronounced drying we’ve seen over the last few decades appears to have a climate change signal in it is as well so there’s a risk that that will continue for some time.” – Prof Will Steffen in July 2009

    So climate change appears to cause both “pronounced drying” and “more frequent rain”.

    Admittedly he also says laudible things like “Yeah I think what we’re saying is that we still don’t know. We can’t say with a high degree of confidence that the main factor is climate change.”

    I think he needs to take another look at that big ball of nuclear fire in the sky, it may just have something to do with it.

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