Worst Droughtflood On Record In The Amazon!


Otherwise known as floods.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Worst Droughtflood On Record In The Amazon!

  1. BioBob says:

    Hehe – i got into a huge pi$$ing contest with a moderator over at Ars Technica about this. He didn’t like the fact that temps and rain didn’t actually show significant change – just the MODELs did — rofl

  2. Magnus A says:

    The article also describes high water, so it’s variation over the year which is said to be the catastrophe… *sigh*.

    “The record river low comes only 16 months after river levels reached a record high of 29.77 meters in Manaus. / The fluctuations are consistent with climate models for the region, which project heavier rainfall in the wet season, especially in the western and northern parts of the Amazon, and less precipitation in the dry season, especially in the southern Amazon. This year’s drought helped spur a large increase in wildfires and a spike in forest degradation in recent months”.

  3. Magnus A says:

    The final words, “a spike in forest degradation in recent months”, are actually funny, describing a (normal) dry period as “forest degradation”.


  4. Justa Joe says:

    I’m familiar with Manaus, AM. I’ve been there quite a bit. If this supposed record low of Rio Negro is a definite sign of AGW. What did the “record” floods indicate in 2009?


    Brazil boosts flood aid for 308K left homeless
    2009-05-12 09:28:18 GMT2009-05-12 17:28:18 (Beijing Time) SINA.comhttp://english.sina.com/world/p/2009/0512/240631.html

    The rivers in the Amazon basin are prone to fluctuations. It was low in 2005, which they claimed was a 40 year low.
    Amazon at record low — communities isolated, commerce stalled
    Rhett A. Butler, mongabay.com
    October 11, 2005

  5. Justa Joe says:

    I’m familiar with Manaus, AM. I’ve been there quite a bit. If this supposed record low of Rio Negro is a definite sign of AGW. What did the “record” floods indicate in 2009?


  6. Jimbo says:

    13 January 2011
    Brazil Floods Claim Over 430 Lives

  7. suyts says:

    Wow, just making stuff up wasn’t enough, now, they’re just lying about stuff people can casually check.

  8. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD73MqyHiRM&fs=1&hl=en_US]

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