Daily Archives: February 1, 2011

Trenberth : “Heat-trapping carbon dioxide is building up in the atmosphere”

Current NCAR temperature is -5.4F. Perhaps Kevin doesn’t get outside much? http://www.eol.ucar.edu “Political philosophy has a legitimate role in policy debates, but not in the underlying climate science,” the scientists said in the letter. “There are no Democratic or Republican … Continue reading

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“The colder it gets, the more it seems like it drives them into a frenzy”

A New Jersey town fell victim to the global warming religion, and tore down their ski area. Back in the winter of 2007, I wrote a column on the demise of Belle Mountain, a public ski area just a few … Continue reading

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UK Government : “Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas”

http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/news/stat_09_ghg/stat_09_ghg.aspx Mars atmosphere has an order of magnitude more CO2 than Earth, yet  temperatures there range from -17C to -100C. That must be because Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas.

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Fossil Fuels Keeping Tens Of Millions Of People Alive This Morning In The US

If greens were in control, there would be a holocaust of frozen bodies.

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Egypt To Drown


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Global Warming Strikes Wyoming

A little brisk? How will the homeless Pine Beetles survive?

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ElBaradei Pathcleared Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program


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Destroying Evidence At The Ministry Of Truth?

Hansen’s 1999 temperature graph is now corrupted, as seen below. Modified on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 6:33:14 PM http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/hansen_07/fig1x.gif http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/hansen_07/ The original uncorrupted version is shown below. This is the graph which used to show 1934 as the warmest … Continue reading

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Hansen : 225 MPH Hurricane Winds


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Puffington Host : Castrate Rudolph

They want to snip reindeer to make them better able to cope with the extra  thick ice caused by global warming. TROMSOE, Norway (Reuters/Alister Doyle) – Indigenous Sami peoples in the Arctic may have found a way to help their … Continue reading

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