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Daily Archives: February 11, 2011
Anasazi Mystery Solved – They Opened Too Many Beer Cans
Global warming conditions in the 12th century paralleled those of today. http://www.treehugger.com/
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Romm : 2,500 US Scientists Worried About The Heat And Extreme Weather
It has now been 881 days since any hurricane hit the US, and 6,745 days since a category five hurricane hit the US. That extreme weather is really taking its toll. And it is hot too. http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/products/maps/acis/YearTDeptUS.png
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Shock News : Carbonated Beverages Contain Massive Amounts Of EPA Designated Toxin CO2
Each time you open up a beer you inhale large amounts of a toxic gas, and you kill a Polar Bear. And probably a couple of Penguins. And a Pika, and some fish in Fresno. And you drown an island. … Continue reading
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GISS Diverging From HadCRUT At A Rate Of 1C Per Century
Hansen claimed last year was the “hottest year ever” by 0.01 degrees. Over the last decade he has diverged from HadCRUT by an order of magnitude more than his claimed record. A good scientist would acknowledge that his error bar … Continue reading
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14 Years Of Unstoppable Global Warming
http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2lt/uahncdc.lt January 2011 was right at the mean and the median for January temperatures.
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Lady Gaga’s Powerful Stance On Global Warming
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Smart Student At LSU
Global Warming is a controversy in itself Letter to the Editor By Geography sophomore, Bryant Garcin With all the worry about global warming and what might happen to the earth if the temperature rises one degree or so, we need to … Continue reading
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Andrew Bolt On Flannery’s Predictions
So before we buy a great green tax from Flannery, whose real expertise is actually in mammology, it may pay to check his record. Ready? In 2005, Flannery predicted Sydney’s dams could be dry in as little as two years … Continue reading
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Cold Winter Explained
The world’s leading climate scientists explain that the cold winter in 2011 is due to missing ice in the Arctic. The image above shows the difference between the warm winter of 2006 and the cold winter of 2011. Areas marked … Continue reading
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