Daily Archives: February 12, 2011

Met Office Admits Their Climate Models Were Wrong


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Chris Huhne Has The Business Acumen Of A One Year Old


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La Nina : “abnormal cooking of the Pacific Ocean”

I was amused when I watched the national news reports where global warming experts used the blizzards that struck the Northeast as proof of global warning. One explained that warmer air can hold more moisture, which is true. He said … Continue reading

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UVI Has Seminar On Adapting To Imaginary Global Warming

The public is invited to attend and learn about the connection between climate change and public health in the Virgin Islands. The research center is seeking input on the best ways to communicate information to the public about adapting to … Continue reading

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Massive Climate Model Failure

Researchers demonstrate that Romm and Masters have no clue what they are talking about. “In the climate models, the extremes get more extreme as we move into a doubled CO2 world in 100 years,” atmospheric scientist Gilbert Compo, one of … Continue reading

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2011 Arctic Ice Lowest On Record!

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjnRQO_maNQ] http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php Winter extent shows no correlation with summer minimums.

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Global Warming Made Mubarek Resign


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Arnie Wants To Do To Global Warming What He Did To California


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San Francisco Author Imagines That San Francisco Is Heating And Drowning

http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/02/11/DDT51HHARF.DTL A couple of minor problems with his belief system. There is no warming or sea level rise. http://cdiac.ornl.gov/ http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends_station.shtml?stnid=9419750

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Arnie’s Legacy


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