Daily Archives: February 14, 2011

655 Record Lows : 66 Record Highs

I wonder why Romm isn’t blogging about this? http://mapcenter.hamweather.com/  

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Moscow Heatwave Update

Record cold this week. No doubt caused by trapped heat from CO2. http://www.wunderground.com/

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UK Rivers To Lose Half Their Water By 2040 – Causing Floods

Their seems to be no limit to the stupidity behind this religion. http://www.guardian.co.uk/

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US Showing Signs Of A Dangerous Warming Trend In 2011


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Some More Actual Science Found In Google Books

Variations in the stable isotope content of the wood of tree rings are known to reflect variations in the sea’s surface temperature. The sea’s surface supplies the water for continental rainfall and the yearly uptake of water by trees. The … Continue reading

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Some Climate Scientists Who Got It Right In 1978


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1974 : Global Cooling Causes Food Shortages

Now they tell us that global warming is causing food shortages.

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Global Cooling 1970 – We Will All Be Living In Igloos


Posted in On The Safe Side Of 350 | 7 Comments

1970s Had The Most Arctic Sea Ice In 60 years

http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/images/n_plot.png NSIDC often publishes this graph showing that the Arctic is doomed. What they aren’t showing is that their data set started right at the peak for the last century. http://news.google.com/

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“If sea level rise continues at it present rate, 33 percent of coastal land and wetland habitats will be lost in the next 100 years”

http://www.centredaily.com/2011/02/08/2504838/global-warming-cant-wait.html OMG – Apparently 33% percent of the coast is less than eight inches above sea level.

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