Daily Archives: February 15, 2011

Data Corruption At GISS

[At reader’s request, I am sticking this to the top of the front page. Look below for new articles.] [12:54 Mountain Time : NASA has fixed the graph. See update ] [14:05 Mountain Time : New graph is not the … Continue reading

Posted in Hansen | 58 Comments

Arctic Melt Continues

Hundreds of articles this week in the press about the melting Arctic, where sea ice has melted from 9.5 million km^2 up to 10.5 million km^2 since the start of the year. http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2011/02/14/arctic-climate-study.html

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James Hansen Forecasts Pirate Behavior


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Real Scientists “Hansen Trenberth Schmidt” – Fake Scientists “Lindzen Spencer Pielke”

“I would not, however, include names like Lindzen, Spencer, Pielke with the others since their views are way outside the mainstream” http://blogs.redding.com/dcraig/archives/2011/02/challenge-updat-1.html

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Climate Expert “Keeping Faith” In Climate Change

New taxes will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. http://thenationonlineng.net/web3/business/building-properties/27986.html

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Met Office : Warming Unabated – 2010 Almost As Warm As Thirteen Years Ago


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