1875 : Fire, Heat And Drought In Australia

The intense heat which prevailed for some days caused many deaths besides through the agency of fire. The infant mortality in Melbourne was alarming during the days the temperature was at its highest—110 deg. to 115 deg. in the shade and nearly 150 deg. in the sun. The glaring sun produced many cases of fatal sunstroke amongst the inhabitants, and omnibus horses fell dead in the streets from the same cause.

Page 338


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1875 : Fire, Heat And Drought In Australia

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    wow if it’s really 0.8degrees C warmer today, HOW DO WE COPE we should all be dead.

    Just shows their measurements are TOTALLY WRONG!

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:



    No more Air con in Shopping centres I bet

  3. Blade says:

    “110 deg. to 115 deg. in the shade and nearly 150 deg. in the sun.”

    With the drought, that is some REAL dry heat.

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