1920 : 15 Year Old Girl Wins Rifle Championship


June 27, 1919 – TOPPERWEIN GIVES FINE EXHIBITION OF SHOOTING: Ad Topperwein, world’s champion rifle shot, enthused several hundred spectators at Lordship Park, yesterday afternoon with his wonderful feats given at what was originally intended to be a demonstration of boys’ work under the auspices of the Winchester Junior Rifle corps, the Y.M.C.A., the Boy Scouts and the Boys’ club of this city. Rain marred a great part of the performance, and the drills by the Y.M.C.A. classes and the Boy Scouts were left off entirely. However, some two or three hundred youngsters were present, together, with a large sprinkling of men and women. The first event on the program was a competition between school boys and after that Marjorie Kinder, a young High school miss who holds the national girls’ rifle shooting championship, gave an exhibition shooting a 12-pound gun off hand and breaking walnuts at a distance of 75 feet. Topperwein’s stunts were of an exhibition variety. With the pistol he proved himself to be a wonder, breaking clay targets thrown into the air. He did all kinds of fancy shooting with a rifle, from lying on his back and shooting over his head to tossing eggs in the air, turning a somersault and then picking up his rifle and shattering the eggs before they reached the ground. At the close, of his exhibition Topperwein nonchalantly seated himself about 30 feet from a piece of metal and with an automatic rifle peppered the target with shot after shot in rapid succession until finally he had outlined the head and shoulders or Uncle-Sam. Those who witnessed Topperwein’s shooting were highly enthusiastic and will all be big boosters in the event that the rifle expert can be brought here again at sometime in the future, as is planned.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1920 : 15 Year Old Girl Wins Rifle Championship

  1. R. de Haan says:

    I’m afraid we’re going to need more of that.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    No matter how many PPM there were, no one was safe when she is around!!

  3. This is very cool. The good old days! Life was so much more innocent then.

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