1937 : Dramatic Climate Change In The Arctic

Temperatures up seven degrees. Glaciers disappearing. Sea ice disappearing. Animals migrating north. Russia warming up …….



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1937 : Dramatic Climate Change In The Arctic

  1. AndyW says:

    That’s an interesting read. Seems like the changes noted there are ongoing.


  2. Mike Davis says:

    And the GRACE satellite showed a much greater loss of ice during that period than was experienced the decade before!!!

  3. Airframe Eng says:

    This proves that Santa can adapt. Sure, there was some heaving of the footings under the workshop, but Blitzen started a new garden, and they had all the tomatos they could eat. Nowadays they’re into hydroponics.

  4. Chris BC says:

    This is actually extremely interesting and relevant to claims about the heat in the U.S. in the 1930s. The warmists claim is that it was primarily (or exclusively) a U.S. only event, but here we have a study looking over a wide area of the Northern hemisphere showing very widespread and substantial temperature increases.

    Since we know that the U.S. has the best temperature record in the world by far for any large land area (and even at that it’s not very good at all for the purposes of tracking less than +/-1 degree temperature changes), this study can be coupled with what we know about the years with the highest global temperature. We can assume with some degree of certainty that the heat of the 1930s affected a large area of the globe, and this is further cause to question the supposed recent hottest years on record where we know UHI has a serious effect and we know temperatures records have been adjusted to make recent years look hotter.

    When we factor in what happened after 1937 (when this study was reported) the anti global warming case becomes much stronger. During WWII the world’s output of CO2 had to have been off the charts versus what it was previously. You not only had all the fuel and munitions used in the battles, you also had massive industrial activity to support the war effort in building and transporting the weapons and supplies to fight the war. In spite of all that CO2, global temperatures then began to drop in the 1940s and continued dropping until the 1970s when the ice age scares were all the rage.

    Sorry for some redundant material here but I’ve seen little or no discussion of the CO2 output of WWII, nor have I seen any reports of wide area studies of the heat wave of the 1930s that helped create the dust bowl and all those record high temperatures in the U.S.

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