Daily Archives: February 20, 2011

Ontario 1910 : Hundreds Of Dead Bodies From Forest Fires Strewn On Train Tracks

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 12278, 10 October 1910, Page 5 http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/

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1910 : Minnesota And Wisconsin Devastated By Massive Forest Fires – CO2 At Very Safe 300 ppm


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Clinton Adminstration : Worth Starving Half A Million Iraqi Children To Keep Saddam In Power

Clinton accomplished nothing in Iraq other than killing people. He left Saddam in power after starving half a million children. Later, Democrats claimed that they never believed that Saddam had WMD’s. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbIX1CP9qr4] So why exactly did they think it was worth killing half a … Continue reading

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China 1879 : Seventy Million People Dying From “unparalleled climatic change”


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1982 : NSW “gripped by the worst drought in recorded history” – CO2 At Hansen’s Safe Levels


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1982 : Australia Devastated By The “Worst Drought Of The Century” With CO2 At Safe 341 ppm


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1879 : Half A Million Dead In Brazil From Drought, Starvation And Pestilence – CO2 At 290 ppm


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1871 : 100,000 Starving People In Chicago After Heat, Drought And Fire


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1871 : Fiery Death Comes To Hundreds In Michigan And Wisconsin


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1961 : “China Faces New Calamaties – Less Than A Year After The Worst Natural Disasters Of The Century”


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