2008 : Most mainstream environmental groups support biofuels to stop global warming


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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37 Responses to 2008 : Most mainstream environmental groups support biofuels to stop global warming

  1. Tony Duncan says:

    Sounds quite reasonable.

  2. Latitude says:

    well I guess…

    ….starve them out

  3. Ralph says:

    Isn’t sad that bio fuels produce 4 times the CO2 petroleum fuels do. Sad for the enviros anyway.

  4. Sundance says:

    The Russians and Japanese are working on perfecting a method of capturing methane clathrates that are leaching CH4 into the atmosphere. We could convert that dangerous CH4 into less dangerous CO2 by burning it as fuel. There are hundreds of years worth of methane to be captured and burned. It’s just so wonderful that Mother Earth always seems to provide for man’s energy needs.

  5. suyts says:

    Outstanding work Steve! This post and and recent ones show that once again the alarimsts are clearly duplicitous in their actions. Biofuels are fruition of alarmist machinations. Most All of the alarmists I know also wet themselves about over-population and the earth’s ability to feed the populous. For any of them to say they couldn’t anticipate the world’s current food prices and shortages is completely and totally disingenuous. They were the ones that caused this and they should be held accountable in the most extreme legal prejudice.

    Then there’s another well-known alarmist cause, called “land use”. Steve clearly shows where people in the alarmist camp were fully aware of the land use issues. They advocated it anyway. The only word I can use to accurately describe their actions is murderous. Steven has shown this to be intentionally done.

  6. Steve Koch says:

    As recently as the lame duck session after the 2010 election (just a couple of months ago) the Democrats pushed through an extension of the ethanol supports. They did this in the lame duck session to avoid angering the voters before the election. Over at Grist I’ve been asking why the Dems did this but I haven’t gotten a straight answer yet. All I can figure is that the ethanol lobby pays politicians, especially Dems quite well.

    The Republicans’ proposed budget cuts remove support for ethanol.

  7. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Food? Who needs food? We don’t need no stinkin food. We have to have alternative energies.

  8. Paul H says:

    OK Tony, a challenge for you.

    Find any green organisation that campaigned against corn ethanol before say 2008.

  9. Andy Weiss says:

    Biofuels will probably lead to dangerous food shortages when the next 1930’s type drought cycle comes around. The alarmists will blame those droughts on global warming when in reality they are a result of a natural cycle that is due to take place in the near future.

  10. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Jim Rogers is not optimistic about the economy, especially food prices. Egypt may just be the beginning.

    9:33 video


  11. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Marc Faber sees more problems like Egypt coming in other countries because food and energy prices are going up.

    5:38 video


  12. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    ….food prices are a leading indicator of inflation…….


  13. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    …buy a farm and a gun….now you need…..(watch and see what he says)


  14. Paul H says:

    I don’t know what all the fuss is about anyway.

    So what, if a few people die. We have done something to save the Poley Bears, and surely that is what matters.

  15. Tony Duncan says:

    amazing how no one actually reads what I say, and almost every time I comment assume things that have no relation to what I actually write.
    Unfortunately I don’t have time like I used to to continue these bizarre twisting irrational journeys with you folks, but it is funny that no one read the links I posted.

  16. Robert Austin says:

    There are a certain brand of activists who have a goal, suppressed or just lurking below the surface, of returning society to its preindustrial state. For this type, support for or the condoning of new unproven energy technologies would be a favoured tactic, a “ruse de guerre”. One would choose a proven technology such as coal fired power generation and attack it viciously whilst assuaging the public opinion through giving possibly false hope in the new unproven technology. With coal fired power on life support, they can move on to attack the next technology, perhaps nuclear. Seemingly, activists are in the intermediate stage of not exactly attacking biofuels but just distancing themselves from previous endorsement. But if biofuels become even remotely successful, they will be attacked by this faction.

    I propose a most interesting question to ask a CAGW activist (if you could get an honest answer). If it turned out that you were wrong, if science were to show that there will be no catastrophic effects from man’s emissions of CO2, would you be delighted or disappointed? It is my subjective impression that, overwhelmingly, the result would be disappointment.

  17. Bruce says:

    In the paper today:

    If the Egyptians are hungry, let them eat ethanol

    In other words global warming did not cause the crisis in Tunisia and Egypt, but global warmists did!

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