Daily Archives: February 25, 2011

Guardian : Gavin Accused Of Not Telling The Truth


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1919 : Worst Drought In 50 years In Australia


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1847 : Severe Drought In Holland Dried Up Most Of The Wells – CO2 284 ppm


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1838 : Calamitous Drought In New South Wales – With CO2 At 283 ppm


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1839 : Severe Drought In Australia – CO2 283 ppm


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August 1934 : At A Very Safe 309 ppm – Record Heat And Drought Across The Midwest

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Four Years After Watching Al Gore’s Film, California Child Still Hopelessly Confused

The ministry of information is teaching children that their parents are destroying the climate, and that they can stop the climate from changing. http://www.dailyutahchronicle.com/

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In 1934, The President Had To Pay For His Own Vacations


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1912 – New Madrid, Missouri Wiped Out By A Flood

New Madrid was also the location of the largest earthquake ever recorded in the lower 49 states. http://news.google.com/newspapers

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1986 : Khadafy Duck Encourages All Arabs To Be Suicide Bombers

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