-28F : Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded In Oklahoma


h/t to MikeTheDenier



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to -28F : Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded In Oklahoma

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    And this is from global arming? Shyaa!

  2. suyts says:

    In fact, some temperatures across the state Thursday morning were lower than North Pole, Alaska, which was a balmy 16 degrees.”

    lol, more of that warmcold………..for the geographically challenged, North Pole AK, isn’t the north pole, but a town about 15 miles away from Fairbanks, well below the arctic circle.

  3. Laurie says:

    “h/t to MikeTheDenier”

    What does h/t mean?

    • Thanks Ryan. I have to wonder where the record cold air is coming from, since we hear from the experts that the Arctic isn’t very cold any more. Maybe the cold air came from Cancun?

      • glacierman says:

        I think it got displaced from that magical land where Trenberth’s missing heat has been hiding.

      • Ryan Maue says:

        Well, without global warming, it would have been even colder, or something.

        The amount of cooling that the Gulf of Mexico is seeing is unreal. Brrrrrrr……

      • glacierman says:

        All that trapped heat causing the gulf to cool will surely lead to more extreme weather events/sarc.

      • suyts says:

        Actually, this would be interesting. We’re told the snow/cold comes from leaving the freezer door open. Then cold then heads south and freezes us.

        Where, exactly was it -31 F that it came down and warmcolded us? Given that energy is heat, and motion is energy, where did -31 come from?

        I haven’t checked the temps, but I don’t think it is possible. I think physics invalidates that hypothesis.

        It came from the sky, but it didn’t come from the arctic.

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