A Warmer Climate Is A More Extreme Climate

That is why so many people from Florida and Hawaii vacation in Winnipeg. To escape the extreme weather of the South.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to A Warmer Climate Is A More Extreme Climate

  1. Latitude says:

    What’s amazing is that they have convinced so many people that 2 degrees warmer is a bad thing….

    ….yet you ask people and they are all in favor of warmer

    • baffled24 says:

      Perhaps convincing the other argument is much less credible. Enhance your knowledge of what 2 degrees global warming really means rather than this simplistic argument. What it doesn’t mean is that your place and all others will simply become 2 degrees warmer.

      • Justa Joe says:

        Are you saying that 2 degrees in higher temp produces universally bad outcomes?

      • suyts says:

        He/she seems to be implying such. He/she also implies they have a certain degree of certitude regarding such an event. I’m interested in where he/she gained such knowledge. Baffled asks Lat to enhance his knowledge but doesn’t reference where he/she gained it?

        Historically, mankind seems to thrive better in warmer climates. But Baffled seems to think this no longer holds true.

        Of course, it wouldn’t be universally bad. Some places would be better off than others. Remarkably similar to conditions today and throughout the history of the world.

  2. Scarbarian says:

    The whole idea of a 2 degree difference has really puzzled me for a long time. Where I live, we get traditionally get cold snaps of -50 in the winter and periods of 100+ in the summer… A whopping 150 degree difference in temperature between the seasons. A 2 degree movement either way isn’t going to be noticed, and could easily be completely lost in periods of “unseasonable” weather which may be slightly warmer or cooler than what is predicted in the Farmers Almanac.

    Who’s with me?

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