Alarmists Call Fraud “Civil Disobedience”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Alarmists Call Fraud “Civil Disobedience”

  1. Mike Davis says:

    His actions were FRAUD! Others wishing to mimic his actions should be shown the outcome by applying the maximum penalty. Anything less will encourage others to follow his example!

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    He should be made to repay it all. After he’s done we could ask him how he felt about his disobedience.

  3. Dave N says:

    I wonder where he got his hansen such an idea as civil disobedience?

  4. rw says:

    Put him in prison and force him to read the postings on this website every day.

  5. suyts says:

    More of the ends/means. Character doesn’t matter to these people.

  6. Me says:

    I’d throw the book at him, and make him pay the money they lost with interest added in.

  7. omnologos says:

    Ground Zero? Where are all those people decrying violent exaggerations in the language?

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