Arctic Ice Loss Causes Mild European Winters – When It Isn’t Causing Cold European Winters

“It is therefore difficult to predict whether anthropogenically driven warming will lead to systematic changes such as persistently milder European winters (a positive AO/ NAO) as some have suggested.”

It is anticipated that the Arctic Ocean will become ice free during the summer within the next 15-50 years as a result of global warming. Because sea ice is reflective, its loss will reduce the amount of the Sun’s energy bounced back out to space, thereby amplifying regional warming. However, changes in atmospheric circulation could also occur, making it difficult to unravel the likely net effect on climate.

“A key question is how an Arctic without permanent ice cover will affect atmospheric circulation and climate variability, particularly over high and mid latitudes,” said Kemp.

I anticipate that Google News search will find at least  a half dozen new useless climate studies every day.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Arctic Ice Loss Causes Mild European Winters – When It Isn’t Causing Cold European Winters

  1. Mike Davis says:

    “However, changes in atmospheric circulation could also occur, making it difficult to unravel the likely net effect on climate.”

    This is the claim that leads to being called a non believer and it is the most correct statement in the article. Leaving out the word “Could” makes it a claim by an oil funded sceptic. If they concentrated on changes in the atmospheric circulation patterns rather than GHGs they would better understand the climate and be better prepared to unravel possible future climate!

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