August 8, 1934 : Please Bring Back The Good Old Days Of Low CO2

Heat, drought, economic ruin, genocide, Nazis tried to take over San Diego.  The climate was fine and living was easy at 310 ppm.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to August 8, 1934 : Please Bring Back The Good Old Days Of Low CO2

  1. The Anti Al Gore says:

    Scientists: Sun’s approaching ‘Grand Cooling” assures new Ice Age

  2. Nazis tried to take control of an American city. This I didn’t know. What if some day Muslims try to take control of an American city?

  3. The world is so peaceful compared to the past, both weather and politics. So where is all the intensification of weather problems? This global warming thing just isn’t happening.

    But wait, I know someone will say, “Just wait! It’s coming!” Well it better hurry up because the world is in a cooling phase. They’ll have to switch back to the coming ice age scare soon to accommodate Mother Nature who just isn’t cooperating with their global warming scare.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    So is hot weather correlated with anti semitism?

  5. Jeff K says:

    Looks to me that the Nazis not only succeeded in taking San Diego but the entire state of California. Soft invasions take longer but have a greater chance of success.

  6. Jeff K says:

    My how times have changed. Now, according to most media, it is the Jews who are the butchers, an upside down world indeed.

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