Aussie Climate Advisor Explains Why Hurricanes Have Caused No Damage In The US For Almost Three Years

ROSS GARNAUT, CLIMATE CHANGE ADVISOR: While Australia has always been a place of variable climate, a place of drought and flooding rains, the greater energy in the atmosphere and the seas can intensify extreme events and I’m afraid that we’re feeling some of that today. And we are feeling that at a time when global warming is in its early stages.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Aussie Climate Advisor Explains Why Hurricanes Have Caused No Damage In The US For Almost Three Years

  1. Michael says:

    Good one Steve! You almost jerked my chain before I read past your headline. Then I read the referred article; which had nothing to do with your headline, and had a good chuckle.
    A sunny morning, a laugh, cup of hot Mocha–life is good. Better if the snow and sleet outside wasn’t up to my Yazoo. It’s gotta be shoveled though, or the mail won’t come.
    You know, that “Neither, storm, nor snow, nor sleet…..” stuff doesn’t apply anymore. If there’s any snow on your walk you can kiss the tourist brochures from Dominica “Ciao, y’all!” Speaking of which — Ciao y’all.

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