Australian Government Chooses To Steal Citizens Money, Export Jobs To Asia, and Hurt Poor People

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Australian Government Chooses To Steal Citizens Money, Export Jobs To Asia, and Hurt Poor People

  1. suyts says:

    Good luck to our friends down under fighting this bit of lunacy. So, how does this work in the “free and fair” international trade? Obviously, the cost of products will increase in Australia. Will they tariff imports to balance the difference? Or will they simply let industry wither and die in their country?

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Australia. A nice place to visit. But I won’t want to live there.

  3. Ralph says:

    “Despite the early start to a carbon tax, members of the government privately concede Australia cannot meet its target of 5 per cent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.”

    Well DUH! Did someone in the Australian government forget the $50 BILLION sale of Australian coal to China? Think that might bring up the global CO2 level? Gezzz.

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