As I have been documenting here, Australian history is marked by severe drought most of the time, with floods occasionally interspersed. The Australian government does not seem to understand that “climate change” is the norm, and that there is nothing they can do to change that fact.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Australia has been notorious for the jumping from the frying pan into the fire with snake oil salesman solutions to their problems, and how them solutions worked out for the Aussies was simply marvelous! Then they need a solution from another snake oil salesman to fix the solution the first snake oil salesman gave them!
Is this not the same process that brought Australia the cane toad?
Hasty action based on flaky analysis, followed by extensive leisure for repentance.
Not slow learners, obstinate learners.
It’s settled: We’re doomed.
Okay, folks, we’ve thought this over and we have a plan.
Since we’re doomed, we’ve come up with a strategy. We will enact doom now, and then we won’t be unprepared waiting for its arrival. We can simply plan and execute ourselves…er, uh, our strategy for mitigation of this doom.
This is going to be painful, draconian, and well…. frankly, deadly. But at least it won’t be me that dies. Just many of you.
Psycho fringe groups run Australia now, why can’t we have an election on this again and see who wins!!!
And she admits to this, well I guess when all hell breaks loose down there, the people know who to lynch first. She is a very brave woman, I must say, or very naive!
Why not cut off electricity to the areas that voted Green?
And all your politicians! If you shut off energy to the political agencies pushing energy restrictions you would meet their goals with no one else going short on energy!
That isn’t what they want, they want the average Joe to pay, why else would they want something that solves nothing.
Yes, this would work. Suspend fuel deliveries and disconnect them from the grid, let them see their cellphones and laptops function in a green environment.
If the leftist ecophobic 25% to 50% of a given population (higher in a city) simply went Amish, resources would last twice as long and they could leave us the hell alone.
Good thinking Scarlet Pumpernickel.
A detailed 8-part account of the history of droughts and floods in Australia for the 100+ years from settlement to 1895 can be found here:
Not that any of this will make the slightest difference to the half-wits in Canberra that think they are running the show, of course.