$Billions Of Fraud In Oz, Government Response Is To Give The Fraudsters More Money


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to $Billions Of Fraud In Oz, Government Response Is To Give The Fraudsters More Money

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    But at least for your money you have a clear conscience, knowing that you have saved the planet by participating in a non solution to a non problem!

  2. Bruce says:

    The irony is Lenore Taylor is very strongly a warmist.

    Why is it that warmist governments cannot keep their anti-AGW programs from being rorted up hill and down dale? Is it that because AGW is 9/10ths scam that they are in turn wide open to being re-scammed? What is the latin for ‘who scams the scammers’?

    • Baa Humbug says:

      Yes both Taylor and her paper the SMH are warmists to the hilt.
      They’ve written this piece to support the proposed carbon tax which is supposed to be “cheap” at $20-25 per tonne.

      At $25 per tonne, our power generators alone will raise over $8 Billion in taxes.
      Add to that the inevitable rise in petrol and price of goods, this tax will be bigger than the GST.

      And the Greens want the carbon tax to be a minimum $60 per tonne rising by 4% per year plus inflation.

      Gillard is finished if she introduces this tax.

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