Blame Canada



A strong, arctic front has moved through Southern Colorado. A frigid airmass will continue to pour in behind this front, pushed along by N-NE winds at 15-35mph. Temps will drop into the single digits this evening, with wind chills falling well BELOW zero.

Pockets of light snow will continue this evening. Snow will become lighter and less organized from north to south later tonight. While snow will be generally light, the snow will be lightweight and fluffy due to the arctic air, allowing for it to accumulate more easily.

Along with snow-covered and icy road conditions, strong north winds will lead to blowing and drifting of snow along with poor visibility through Tuesday morning. In addition, wind chills will become dangerously cold tonight through early Tuesday morning, ranging from 20 to 35 below zero. For this reason a Wind Chill Warning is in effect through Wednesday morning for areas along and east of the I-25 Corridor.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Blame Canada

  1. suyts says:

    If they’d just build a wall like the Chinese………. what all we get is a barbed-wire fence, and it’s down.

  2. pwl says:

    Yea no more blaming Canada!!! It’s all climate changes fault!!! [:)]

    Heck we need to upgrade from Igloos anyhow… so bring on the warmth caused by cold! brrrrrr….

    Growing up as a teenager in Edmonton in the 1970s was fun, winters as low as -46c (with windchill subtract another 10c to 30c) and summers as high as 35c gave quite the range of experience… 10c warmer in winter would be very very welcomed by 99% of us Igloo dwellers in the Great WhiteGreen North.

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