Bush : Hero Of The Left

Bush EPA Recognized Global Warming Threat
— By Kate Sheppard| Tue Feb. 8, 2011 3:20 PM PST
Pop quiz: Which administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency sent a missive to the president informing him that the agency is “compelled to act” under existing law in response to “the latest science of climate change”?

Hint: It wasn’t the Obama administration’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson (though, during her tenure, the agency would make that same determination). It was her predecessor, Stephen Johnson, the EPA administrator under George W. Bush, who was certainly no big friend to environmentalists during his time at the agency.

In recent months, the EPA’s power to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions has become a prime target for Republicans (and some Democrats) in Congress who raise the specter of a government bureaucracy gone wild under the Obama administration. Foes of the regulations have gone so far as to propose throwing out the very scientific finding that greenhouse gases threaten human health. But a letter released Tuesday once again makes it clear that even the Bush administration knew it needed to act on global warming—it just chose not to.


Someone needs to cool this planet down. I’m melting in this -10F weather.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Bush : Hero Of The Left

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Bush didn’t pay much mind to the Oregon Petition either.

    Throw em all out. Enter the Tea Party.

  2. Baa Humbug says:

    Off topic but I found a video of the conference Steve went to last week.
    Apparantly they had communications problems due to language differences.
    Will you confirm that this is what happened steve?


  3. Anyone who thinks that solar or wind can be “grown” into a prime source of energy is stoned. Let them take the bus I will take my car. It might not be as efficient (the car) but I will get there first , close the deal, and keep my job….
    It’s a race and stopping to fuel sucks. In the end it’s not who is faster or more efficient but who can’t be passed.

  4. Charles Higley says:

    The EPA can only propose regulations. Regations do not become law until passed by Congress. The regulations the EPA puts out and enforces exist only at the whim of Congress. All Congress has to do is note that the regulations were never made into actual law by Congress and declare them invalid.

    The EPA is an agency that exists at the will of Congress. They behave as independent.

    “Foes of the regulations have gone so far as to propose throwing out the very scientific finding that greenhouse gases threaten human health”

    This is just as it should be as the EPA used the politicized and unscientific conclusions of the IPCC AR-4 as the basis of their findings. With their usual arrogant attitude, they refuse to defend their position, just as EPA’s Ruckelshaus banned DDT immediately after the valuable chemical was found after 2 weeks of hearings to be harmless and even beneficial. This was a political decision aimed to give the environmental movement a big boost in power, nothing more.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Will Rush Limbaugh ever be hero of the left? Nah. No room left with this addition of Bush. The rest of the space is taken up by Castro, Che Guevara, Lenin, and Lennon.

  6. bubbagyro says:

    Chose not to? Chose NOT to?.

    That means Did Not Do the crazy thing. He knew better, for whatever reason. Did he also not listen to the Congress who continually pushed this crap forward? Nor the State Department or Congress who wanted us to sign Kyoto?

    I wish he would not have listened to Senator Obama and Senator McCain when he pushed the bailout. But he did. I wonder if I, if I were president then, would also have worn out and given in after 8 years of withering attacks and 650 “investigations”.

    He was so close to holding out till the end! (of course, he did do the No Child Left Behind and Prescription Bills, so I guess he had it in him)

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