California Alarmists Can’t Find Any Actual Sea Level Rise, So They Plan To Create A Fraudulent Photo Exhibit Instead

High tides have nothing to do with sea level rise.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to California Alarmists Can’t Find Any Actual Sea Level Rise, So They Plan To Create A Fraudulent Photo Exhibit Instead

  1. suyts says:

    Very nice. In an attempt make people scared of tides……….

  2. Gerald says:

    They should be afraid of the Tides Foundation

  3. John Trigge says:

    How about sending in photos of calm, balmy days with the birds twittering in the trees, butterflies fluttering by, children at play, maybe a few scattered clouds and a temperature at whatever you feel is comfortable.

    This has as more chance of occurring as the catastrophic situations the OCC are looking for.

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    How about pics of all that snow and ice to depict what’s sneaking up behind us whilst richard craniums are busy with non-existent global warming

  5. Nobama says:

    The OCR is usually a pretty conservative paper. They trash AGW all the time. A bit out of character for them….

  6. Ralph says:

    “High tides have nothing to do with sea level rise”.

    It does in an alarmist sorta way.

  7. Jim Cole says:

    This is a form of performance art – so facts don’t matter

    About as much substance as a flash-mob

  8. Hal says:

    Beware of the “Tides of March!”

  9. Wes M. says:

    I was always wondering why they never photoshopped the Arctic since, obviously, they will never get caught and if they do, they get released after their cohorts in crime find “no evidence” that they were being deceptive. More scare-mongering, did you see the section where they want people to find flooded spots for the best pictures?

  10. Bloke down the pub says:

    Extreme high tides also bring extreme low tides. You only need to be savvy as to what time of day you take a photo.

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