Climate Models Prove That Disastrous Floods Could Not Happen Below 350 ppm CO2

Historical research” is now superseded by blind faith in climate models.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Climate Models Prove That Disastrous Floods Could Not Happen Below 350 ppm CO2

  1. suyts says:

    An interesting read about the referenced Johnstown calamity. A some impressive expressive writing.

    Then followed a climax of appalling ruin, then followed a scene which, in its agony, death, and devastation, has never had its parallel in this Republic. With one great swoop over 3,000 houses of brick and of wood, hotels, stores, dwellings, factories all were sent crashing, tumbling, and floating down the roaring torrent. The seething mass, speckled with human creatures praying for life, was hurled against the great stone arched of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge.

    Above the roar of the flood, the crash of falling timber, and the swirl of rushing waters were heard the groans of the dying, the wails of the mangled, and the agonizing cries for help from strong men, fainting women, and helpless children. It was a maelstrom of desolation, a wilderness of death where not a flutter of the wings of peace nor a sign of the hand of Providence were distinguishable.

  2. Jeff K says:

    I knew that Noah had lied about the whole “flood thing.”

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