“Climate Outlook … above normal temperatures for much of Kansas and Colorado. “

January 2011 Climate Summary
High Plains Regional Climate Center 02/04/11

La Niña conditions were present across the equatorial Pacific this month and are expected to continue into spring 2011.  The temperature outlook indicates a higher probability of above normal temperatures for much of Kansas and Colorado.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to “Climate Outlook … above normal temperatures for much of Kansas and Colorado. “

  1. latitude says:

    “if this trend continues”

    These morons can’t predict anything..

    ..all they can do is hindcast, look at what happened in the past, assume the same thing will happen again

    • truthsword says:

      No, that is what weather science used to be, now they use models that have no value in prediction and are continiually wrong. Forecasters who use the past conditions in conjunction with their method of forecasting are very successful and obviously continue to outperform the models greatly.

  2. suyts says:

    And we’re going to be significantly below “normal” this week, too. They are predicting a low of -7 F Wed. -21 for those keeping score abroad. $#!@#^%#^~@ arctic heat my ass!

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Very impressive record breaking coldwave, a truly historic event. Dallas is not normally an ice box, but after this week, it will be tough for them to shed that label.

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