Climate Scientists Discover That Water Freezes Below The Freezing Point

To examine the validity of this concept, the researchers used a climate model in which they removed the Arctic sea-ice cover completely at the beginning of summer. In doing so, they maximized the absorption of solar radiation. “We expected the ocean to remain ice free after the initial ice removal, because so much more heat would be absorbed by the open water during summer,” Tietsche said. However, in the model simulations the ice always recovered within about three years to the conditions it had before the artificial removal. This indicates that sea ice extent closely resembles the prevailing climate conditions at any given time, which makes the existence of a tipping point unlikely

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Climate Scientists Discover That Water Freezes Below The Freezing Point

  1. Mike Davis says:

    WOW! They needed a Game Boy to tell them what they could have observe by watching the natural changing conditions in the polar regions! The probably forgot to add wind blowing the ice out of the region. Only a fool or a Climatologist thinks temperatures in the polar regions are driving ice concentrations.

  2. Lance says:

    But John told us that the Arctic would be ice free in winter too didn’t he?!

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    When they say “so much more heat” do they say HOW MUCH HEAT?

    No they don’t. I can’t imagine too much “heat” above the arctic circle even at the height of summer.
    Small variations in cloud cover over the tropics would change “heat” accumulation an order of magnitude more than anything that could possibly happen at the Arctic.

    Arctic losing ice isn’t a scary thing. Arctic gaining ice is a whole different matter and something to worry about.

    These pseudo scientists are nothing more than advocates data mining to perpetuate their lies and scams for as long as possible.

  4. Airframe Eng says:


  5. suyts says:


  6. chris y says:

    You don’t need a climate model to demonstrate their conclusion. The annually averaged total solar insolation in the Arctic is much lower than the annually averaged radiative heat loss from open water.


  7. P Gosselin says:

    And a model even prediected it!

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