CO2 Challenge For Alarmists

We are told that CO2 is the most dangerous substance on Earth.

Therefore, our alarmist friends should be perfectly happy to live in an environment of 350 ppm sarin, CO, UF6, Radon or Cl2. Any volunteers?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to CO2 Challenge For Alarmists

  1. cementafriend says:

    I suppose the alarmists should not be breathing out or for that matter breathing in.
    It would be great to see some of the outspoken alarmists hold their breath from a long long time ( at least a few months) to give everyone else some respite.

  2. Philip Finck says:

    How about an atmospheric level of O ppm CO2. That would be the ultimately `safe’ level.

    Or they should all get )2 packs and breath pure O2 since that poison CO2 is so bad. See how that works out for them. Then the EPA can declare O2 a environmental hazard.

  3. Laurie says:

    I don’t think there is a choice . . . Volcanoes put out “only ‘god’ know what” and everyone is forced to breath that . . . eventually!

    I admit, I do not know how much study is done on this subject . . . air samples, rain samples, over time!

    Everything comes from earth, except asteroids!

  4. Laurie Bowen says:

    Laurie says:
    February 10, 2011 at 3:52 pm “Everything comes from earth, except asteroids!”

    Major blunder here . . . should say “Just about everything comes from earth, except asteroids, Sun like & Sun Radiances!”

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