Colorado Moves To Canada

I’ve lived in Colorado on and off for almost twenty years, and heve never seen anything like this month’s cold. The red horizontal line shows the normal high temperature.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Colorado Moves To Canada

  1. suyts says:

    Its been 30 years since I last saw the type of weather we’re experiencing is SE Kansas. But, I think the groundhog was right.

  2. Philip Finck says:

    And unfortunately that means that for anyone under 35 or 40 years old, this means that they interpret this cold as unprecedented (based on their memory) and a clear indication of global climate disruption.

    How many people in teh general public ever look at or have even seen a historic plot of temperature… other than the hockey stick? Probably a fraction of a percent, thus the problem. Those who have seen such a plot would mostly have seen a `homogenized’ data set. Sad. The practice of real science in `climate science is going the same way as most peoples ability to support themselves in a non-artificial world, i.e. non-existant.

  3. suyts says:

    We broke a record for cold on this day. Smashing the old one set in 1980. Record was -7 F. This morning, -23F (-30 C)

    • Mohatdebos says:

      I thought Kansas was warming so rapidly that your former Governor (Obama’s HHS Secretary) was persuaded to block the construction of a coal-fired power plant!

  4. Hal says:

    How relevant! For the first time in 11 years I was back in Denver, from 2/1 to 2/4. I took a brisk, outdoor, morning walk on 2/2, searching in vain for some of that “Unprecedented Trapped Heat” that causes extreme cold and snow. The only trapped heat I found was in a bookstore, where I attempted to thaw out.

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