Countering Negative Stereotypes

The founder of a Muslim-oriented New York television station has been convicted of beheading his wife in 2009 in the studio the couple had opened to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims after the September 11 terror attacks.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Countering Negative Stereotypes

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    the suburban Buffalo station the couple established to promote cultural understanding.

    As it turns out that is exactly what happened. We now understand their culture better.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    his luxury car

    He had no problem with owning a fancy car though.

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    I’m still looking for the “peace” in this religion.

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    his lawyers dismissed suggestions that culture played a role in the killing.

    Everybody knows that religion is not known for such things. His lawyers were so right.

  5. Erik says:

    He said a “religion of patriarchy” had “unleashed a bloodbath on American women because battered men have no legal way out.”
    up is down – is he a climate scientist? – would fit right in…

  6. omnologos says:

    We’re back to square one guys…there’s hundreds of millions of perfectly ordinary Muslims that are perfectly ok in their lives. An enormous number of them lives eg in places like Indonesia, and you’ve likely never heard of them because they’ve never done anything gruesome or menacing.

    This story is about a guy from Pakistan, and there’s obviously some ritual behind the beheading…but even in Pakistan untold numbers of people do nothing un-peaceful at all, ever. And so my rhetorical questions are:

    1) Are you of all people going to base your outlook on Muslimhood on scare stories published in newspapers?

    Next, you’ll be arguing catastrophic anthropogenic climate change is upon us too 😎

    2) And if you did it anyway, what would be the difference with Talibans recruiting young Afghanis by showing them the gruesome aftermath of mistaken attacks by drones?

    3) Shall one think of America on the basis of its list of serial killers? (hey! there’s way many more than in Italy…)

    • Are you accusing the Guardian of publishing Islamophobic material?

    • truthsword says:

      All of that is fine, except, where is the outrage at the ‘perversion’ of thier religion by these ‘relatively’ few millions of extremist?

      In the sane realm of religion when you have a nut case live Rev. Phelps or someone that thinks somehow they are doing a good work by killing an abortion doctor, you will see a condemnation and distancing from these less than 1% cases. One would think, that if what you say is true about the Muslim faith the same would be true, but it is not. If they worked harder to keep the so called extremists of their relgion to less than one percent, and denounced these acts and moved to distance themselves from such acts, I might buy that.

    • latitude says:

      and there are hundreds of millions of perfectly ordinary Christians, conservatives, etc
      What’s your point?

      One more time, when was the last time you heard of a Christian leader telling people they had a religious obligation to kill someone?

      …and if they didn’t, they would burn in hell

    • It's always Marcia,Marcia says:

      You do not know about the 3 high school girls that were beheaded on their way home from school approx. 2 years ago in Indonesia. You do not know about Muslim riots that happen at times in Indonesia where they go through Christian neighborhoods burn all the houses down and killing some.

      We are not to square one. We are well into this frightening game. Why not are the good Muslims you are speaking of do something about those who do these inhuman things?

  7. omnologos says:

    The Guardian publishes whatever titillates its readership. For example on the basis of today’s Daily Express (mind you, I have only caught a glimpse of it), England is full of homicidal maniac husbands and heartless, cruel mothers.

    As for Muzzammil Hassan, his behavior in court suggests he hasn’t got all his gears in place. First and most likely only recommendation from just reading the story, is that too many women battered by their husbands are sent home by doctors despite the obvious signs of mistreatment (cataracts at 36????).

    After all it’s just one story, and we all know what wild extrapolations can lead people to.

    And regarding the outrage, you’ll never hear from most people that live far away and don’t even speak English. Normality is simply off the media radar. And besides, the main victims of “Islamic” terrorism and violence are Muslims.

  8. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    2 Christian churches, and Christian school burned by Muslims yesterday in Indonesia. 3 Muslims lynched by fellow Muslims to boot.

    that fun luvin religion of peace

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