CSM : Study Links Global Warming To Snow, But Does Not Show A Link Between Global Warming And Snow


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to CSM : Study Links Global Warming To Snow, But Does Not Show A Link Between Global Warming And Snow

  1. Dave N says:

    It’s a shame I’m not in a climate related field (or university course); I’d like to be funded to study something already well established in human knowledge.

    I’m just perplexed that csmonitor consider this as being something new; it is basic high school science.

  2. suyts says:

    Here’s another funny quote from the article…….”In some ways, he suggests, the study’s main value may rest in the model shortcomings it may reveal – shortcomings “that may limit our current ability” to provide credible evidence of a link between global warming and the extreme rain and snowfall.”


    An example of poor journalism……..”Either something is wrong with the models and they’re not getting the magnitude of the extremes observed,” Dr. Held says, identifying global warming as a culprit “may be suspect because something is going on” in the climate system that the models aren’t capturing.”

    There is a word missing from that quote. Indeed, at the very minimum an entire clause. Is it wrong to hate warmistas that intentionally leave out information?

    To answer my own question, “hate the sin, but” blather, bs, blather, bs, blather, “sinner”.

    En la mañana.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    This is what I call intelligent reporting…. for morons.

  4. The study released after the fact to let you know they were smart enough to know ahead of time it could be caused by manmade global warming.


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