Decadal Timescale Forcing From The Stratospheric Effects On The Cretaceous Sedimentary Record In The Seasonally Ice Free Arctic

I am going to write a computerized climate science random report generator, but I need readers help with their favorite climate science gibberish. Please post your favorite climate science words/phrases for use in the program.

I’m quite certain that the output of my generator will be more useful and meaningful than the drivel which appears in climate science journals every month.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Decadal Timescale Forcing From The Stratospheric Effects On The Cretaceous Sedimentary Record In The Seasonally Ice Free Arctic

  1. Latitude says:

    there’s all the qualifier words – if, coulda, shoulda, might, may, etc

    then the scary words – unprecedented, catastrophic, tipping point, etc

    then the let me out the back door words – …..

    …wait a minute, you know all these words better than I do!

  2. Dave N says:

    Wow.. I was going to do the same thing, but work is getting in the way a little..

    Here’s a few:

    “expected to rise”
    “[climate] experts say”
    “could result in”
    “if the current trend continues”
    “worse than expected”
    “will become more extreme”
    “is consistent with AGW”

    As latitude said, you should know all (or most) of these pretty well by now 😉

    I expect using key phrases, an alarmist report can be constructed without using an iota of actual data, or even a projection of data, for that matter.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    The word I hate the most…..ROBUST.

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