Do Climate Scientists Ever Get Anything Right?

Climatologist discusses missed predictions

ATHENS – You don’t need an expert to tell you this winter’s been unusually cold and messy. But Assistant State Climatologist Pam Knox says Georgia has been suffering along with much of the country due to something called an Arctic Oscillation that counter-acted the La Nina effect that was supposed to bring us a warmer than usual winter.

“While Alaska’s been having very warm temperatures, they’ve been having flow from the south, we have been blasted by this cold air coming down from the Arctic,” Knox told Georgia News Network.

Very warm temperatures in Alaska? Does she lack access to the Internet?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Do Climate Scientists Ever Get Anything Right?

  1. That’s the “nice” thing about anomalies (nice for the warmistas) – people forget what anomalies are and that warm anomalies do not equal warm temperatures.

  2. I realize your graph shows mainly cold anomalies for Fairbanks during the timeframe but people look at figures like the following link and it looks warm in Alaska

  3. At least she has heard of the AO – Al Gore thinks Georgia’s snow is caused by global warming. See:

  4. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Come on the computer models again say it’s worst then expected, I wish I could use their computer models to pick stocks, I would make 3 times more money with their upgrades

  5. John of Cloverdale WA (Aus) says:

    Assistant State Climatologist Pam Knox indeed. Demote the person to ex-assistant climatologist and send her to Alaska on a jet-setting fact-finding trip to Alaska. I suggest she takes her fur coat along for warmth.

  6. suyts says:

    Seems about par with the winters I lived there, only the Dec and Jan temps were typically reversed. Either way, there isn’t a person out there that can convince me -32 vs. -42 matters. It doesn’t.

  7. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Global warming: no checking of data required.

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