Earth and Mars Collided 10,000 Years Ago Causing Noah’s Flood

Readers can forget all they think you know about global warming. The Mystery of the Great Flood Confirmed changes everything.

This breakthrough book outlines — for the first time — a remarkable scientific explanation for the worsening global warming threat. In clear, lucid prose, Dr. Elsar (Amos) Orkan outlines a breathtaking theory of the Earth’s violent past and an event that set in motion a devastating change in solar radiation that promises to wipe out civilization — if nothing is done about it.

This incredible theory finds evidence of a deep-space collision between Earth and Mars 10,000 years ago. The impact — recorded in crater evidence that survives to this day — sent the Earth reeling closer toward the sun, putting it in the path of greatly increased solar radiation. It’s that change — and not human activity — that has led to the very real warming phenomenon, Dr. Orkan finds.

82 pages in length, The Mystery of the Great Flood Confirmed: The Catastrophic Aftermath of the Mars/Earth Collision 10 000 Years Ago: Can Mankind survive the consequences of Global Warming due to the shortening of the distance between the Earth and the Sun? is being aggressively promoted to appropriate markets with a focus on the Earth sciences category. With U.S. wholesale distribution through Ingram and Baker & Taylor, and pervasive online availability through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and elsewhere, The Mystery of the Great Flood Confirmed: The Catastrophic Aftermath of the Mars/Earth Collision 10 000 Years Ago meets consumer demand through both retail and library markets with a suggested retail price of $14.95.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Earth and Mars Collided 10,000 Years Ago Causing Noah’s Flood

  1. Anything is possible says:


    This guy is completely loopy, and he’s still more credible than James Hansen.

    • Dr Elsar Amos Orkan says:

      Your response is the nicest compliment I have received. To be “more credible than James Hansen” means that you have read the article and the seed of the theory started to germinate. Note: the Pacific Ocean is the collision’s crater, the collision was sideswipe collision type and Mars and the Moon, have an almost identical mean density. Mean density of Mars 3.93gr/cm³ (Moon’s 3.35gr/cm³); and that the Moon’s bulk parameters are close to the parameters of the missing Mars’ land mass. There are no other planets in our Solar System with mean densities so similar; this also strongly supports the argument that the Moon is a missing portion of Mars, the consequence of the collision between Earth and Mars. Mars’ mean density includes the mass of the heavy core that the Moon is lacking.

      • ZeroToad says:

        First, the Mars Collision Zone is underneath Australia and the Mariannes Trench is directly north of the collision zone and the collision with Mars is what buckled the crust in that area and it got stuck and that’s why the Mariannes Trench is where it is and that also explains how it was formed, which modern science hasn’t a clue as to either.

        Second, as to the type of collision it was, it wasn’t a sidesweep collision, there were 2 collisions. The first collision was a scrape, creating Valles Marineris on Mars and the 2nd collision was a head-on rear-end collision, occurring about 2 years later, when Earth rear-ended Mars and knocked Mars out of Earth’s orbital pattern, leaving Mars with its current erratic orbit.

        Lastly, as to missing land mass, the only missing land mass are the rocks and soil missing from Valles Marineris. No land mass was exchanged in the 2nd collision, but Haley’s Comet was formed, as well as the Mars Continent and the Moon and as to why the Moon’s mass is what it is, that’s explained by the fact Mars was the planet involved with the collision and not Venus or some other planet but Triton, a Moon of Neptune, created Antarctica millions of years prior to the collision with Mars and Toad Crater was formed in that collision but the crater is now in 3 pieces, with the 2 primary pieces ending up on the Mars Continent and the last piece, the northern crater wall, still in its original location, northeast of Greenland and Toad Crater being in 3 pieces is why no one has found it yet, since it was about 2000 miles across and the biggest crater on this planet but now it looks like a Mountain Range running from the northeast coast of.Russia, through Asia & the Middle East and out the coast of France, with the Alps being part of Toad Crater.

        You are missing all of that in your book, and moar … .. .

        Ribbit 🙂

        • ZeroToad says:

          Ps: I forgot to mention that Haley’s Comet is loaded with frozen life that was on Earth at that time, along with dead lifeforms from Mars that didn’t survive the transfer … .. .

  2. Baa Humbug says:

    I suppose they’re spinning around in the dark of space. It’s conceivable that this spinning made mummy Gaias head spin (try it yourself as an empirical experiment) and she bumped into Mars. 900 months later they had a bouncy baby boy named Moon.

    Whatever butters your bread right?
    or is it ‘A fool and his $14.95 are soon parted’?

    • ZeroToad says:

      Actually, after bumping into one-another the first time, what you could call their first date, it was about 2 years later when they collided head-on and the Moon squirted out and Mars & Gaia’s incestual azzhole baby wuz born. 😀

      Ribbit 🙂

      • ZeroToad says:

        Ps: The Moon is Spongebob Squarepants and the Phoenix is Patrick, which the Phoenix is Moonlight reflected off the surface of the Moon … .. .

        Pps: Off-topic – Freddy Mercury was the Phoenix … .. .

        Who’s Shine Boy now? 😉

  3. Ken says:

    What a preposterous theory, had they collided there would have been a total eradication of life on the planet.

  4. Beano says:

    The report straight from This location

  5. MikeTheDenier says:

    “This incredible theory finds evidence of a deep-space collision between Earth and Mars ….”

    Deep space???? I guess the moon is in shallow space….

  6. Philip Finck says:

    It is almost funny. If a person believes the `we are all going to die’ warnings from the climate scientists, then this book would be excellent reading for the same group of people. After all, it is worse than we thought. 🙂

  7. A C Osborn says:

    Exactly which Lunatic Asylum is this guy in?

  8. Andy Weiss says:

    What kind of crackpot is this guy?

  9. Glen Shevlin says:

    For a minute I thought Velikofski had had popped out of his casket and then I realized I had the wrong planetary collision…..

    Well if he can sell books or tickets more power to him…

  10. Michael says:

    Actually Velikofski said “close approach”, in cosmic distances; not collision, and he postulated that entry and “capture” of Venus into the Solar system was the cause of the changes and that they occurred over several decades. You might also check out the “Great Flood” (world-wide, 10,000 years ago) and see what you find.

    Don’t get offended by me. I have a thing called Asperger’s Syndrome, which makes me insensitive to neuro-typical humans’ feelings. Also I get great amusement out of people’s tempests in a tea pot. If I get tired of jerking your chain on one side of an argument – I’ll frequently just switch sides and argue that position. There are are always loads of pseudo facts on both sides.

  11. PhilJourdan says:

    Well – on the bright side that means the thinks the earth is older than 6000 years. 😉

  12. BioBob says:

    Just you wait until his theory becomes the latest hotness !! All you deniers can go to hell for all I care …..

  13. Toad says:

    Earth and Mars collided twice 750 million years ago and the 2nd collision created all land masses except Antarctica (aka: Mars Continent). The 1st collision created Valles Marineris on Mars and the 2nd collision created Borealis Basin on Mars and the Impact Zone on earth has since been repaired and Australia sits on top of it now.

    So your theory is flawed!

    Ribbit 🙂

    Ps: Overlays of Valles Marineris on Earth, where it occurred here, prove the collisions occurred. 😉

  14. juuuby says:

    This makes no sense. I though Noah’s flood happened 4,500 years ago. This guy is inconsistent.

    • Dr Elsar Amos Orkan says:

      If you would read at least the introduction to the book (page.1) you would not write about the inconsistency. I’ll help you: If you would read at least the introduction to the book (page1) you would not write about the inconsistency. I’ll help you: “The three dimensional congruity between the bodies of the Earth, Moon and Mars together with geological and paleontological evidence confirm that a collision between Earth and Mars must have happened approximately 10 000 (±5 000) years ago.”

      • juuuuuby says:

        So, do you believe in Noah’s flood or something? Because if you do, than it would make no sense.

        • Dr Elsar Amos Orkan says:

          Dear juuuuuby,
          Noah’s flood is the common name of the Great Flood, the catastrophic aftermath of the Mars / Earth collision about 10 000 years ago. The Mars’ large amount of water has been poured from Mars to surface of the Earth, which led to the Great Flood. If that it is described in the Bible, it does not mean that the Flood did not took place.

      • ZeroToad says:

        First, the Moon was created when Earth & Mars collided the 2nd time, with the Mars Continent being formed on the opposite side of the planet from the Mars Collision Zone (Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion explains the Mars Continent formation – DUH!), with the Impact Crater on Mars being Borealis Basin and because water was present during the collision, that’s why MIT calls Borealis Basin the Largest Smoothest Surface in the Solar System, since water won’t compress now that Oxygen has a Neutron attached to it (btw – neutronless water will compress), and the collision was enough to squirt the Moon out from the core of the Earth, thus, fulfilling the Theory that the Moon squirted out of the core of this planet and that theory is based on the analysis of the Moon Rocks.recovered from the Moon, from the Apollo 11 mission. Also, the Moon Rift on Earth is the north coast of the Black Sea, west to Italy. The Black Sea was once open to the Mediterranean but was eventually closed off from the Med and the Theory that Valles Marineris was formed by Plate Techtonics was outed last year with the most recent Mars Rover Report, concerning the depth of the crust being between 300 to 500 miles thick, and NASA made the call – Plate Tectonics cannot possibly exist on Mars, thus, Plate Tectonics did NOT create Valles Marineris. A collision (scrape) with Earth created Valles Marineris and there are billions of metric tons of Mars rocks & soil all over south-central China and that’s why Asians look the way they do, they are part Martian. 😀 Also, the Continental Drift Theory is utter BS. 😉

        Second, like someone said earlier, all living creatures, on the surface of either planet, were annihilated by the Concussion Wave that followed the collisions, when the 2 planets touched and the atmospheric bubbles/condoms broke. What happens when 2 planets collided that have atmospheres, like Mars & Earth did/do, the atmospheres act like condoms and do not give until the planets touch, then they break and become one atmosphere and the Concussion Wave that follows will flatten out a person/lifeform mid-air where they stand, so there’s no way surface lifeforms can survive a Planetoid Collision, when the 2 planets both have an atmosphere! DUH!

        Lastly, the current erratic orbit of Mars is not consistent with a collision going down as recent as you claim. It suggests an impact occurred much earlier than you think, so that alone outs your theory once again as utter BS, but everything outs your theory as utter BS, except you, with your Duality based Perceptual Logic … .. .

        “kNot even God can win the argument against Stoopidity, when Stoopid is judging the Contest.” – Old Toad Proverb

        Ribbit 🙂

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