Egypt To Drown

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Egypt To Drown

  1. latitude says:

    Elton was just after the money.
    On the one hand, our population depends on fishing and tourists.
    On the other, we have all these agencies that have to declare disasters to get money.

    When they lie and say the reefs are in bad shape, tar balls are on the beach, etc
    tourism drops.
    When tourism drops, their money drops.

    So it’s a delicate balancing act.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Unfortunately for them, these alarmists now have a track record. 22 years after this nonsense appeared, there is still absolutely no sign that any of this is happening. You would think they would have worn out their welcome by now. Their credibility is non existent.

  3. Michael says:

    Again, couldn’t happen to nicer folks. That disappearing land happens to be all of Egypt’s arable land. The Keys have already disappeared under cheap housing and tourist traps. Jack them up on stilts and – Hey – everybody gets waterfront property.
    Do you seriously not know all this was a concern among climatologists and scientists in 1968; or that several populated atolls and Aleutian islands have already had to be evacuated?

    • latitude says:

      Michael, it’s a shame that you believe that and fell for that.
      Google earth the Keys, we are mostly forests and woods.

  4. mkelly says:

    Many of the old walls and buildings in south Florida are made from coral quarries that are inland a mile or so. Off shore are dead reefs that are under several hundred feet of water. Water has been higher and lower in the past with no help from CO2.

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    Auditioning for the next SyFy Channel movie no doubt.

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