Egyptian Protesters Show What They Are All About


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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28 Responses to Egyptian Protesters Show What They Are All About

  1. D Bonson says:

    Attacked by Egyptians and saved by Egyptians. Every society has its good and evil citizens.

  2. Tony Duncan says:


    that is unbelievable. We are lucky we live in a country where no woman is ever sexually assaulted.

    • One of the things I have noticed about liberals is that they have absolutely no sense of scale or proportion.

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      Not sure where you live Tony but the rape stats have soared and the rapists here are not named Sven as indicated by the Swedish Official Crime Statistics.


      Sweden has just given the go to Egyptian travel and one astute commenter noted in a popular English language news forum in Sweden:

      Sweden gives green light to Egypt travel – The Local
      “Somehow I think that the traffic will be coming in the other direction very soon.”

    • truthsword says:

      I will play your game Tony, please provide a link to a US news story where a news crew woman was sperated from her crew by a demonstration mob and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault by that mob. I will promise to believe every word Hansen says for a bonus if it is a tea party mob….

      • Tony Duncan says:

        I will do so if you provide a link to an egyptian helicopter team that happily murders numerous American civilians trying to rescue other unarmed americans that were already killed, and then gloat about it.
        Or a link to egyptian soldiers who rape and murder a 14 year old american girl and then burn her her and her family to hide the evidence.

  3. suyts says:

    That’s a damned shame. Hopefully, this isn’t really representative of the protest movement there. Hopefully. I’ve said this before, but it bares repeating. Democracy is a SOB. It turns out, the will of some people aren’t necessarily a good thing.

  4. maguro says:

    Thank god the noble Egyptian protestors aren’t anything like those horrible Tea Party people.

    • Egyptian rapists good. Nobel Prize winning rapists good. Sarah Palin bad for not murdering her handicapped child.

    • Tony Duncan says:

      Yeah, like that nice tea party man who helped that woman keep her head to the ground with his foot!

      • maguro says:

        Yeah, getting pinned to the ground after ambushing a politician is totally equivalent to being gang-raped by a mob.

        Nice sense of perspective.

      • Tony Duncan says:

        if you want perspective see my other comments.

        I am not one who thinks Egyptian men in crowds would never do something like this, but the idea that this is beyond what americans would do is beyond ridiculous.

      • suyts says:

        Tony, I like your comments here. It often lends to a different perspective. Errant, often, but different. Oddly, today, you’re engaging in a behavior you often complain about.

        “…but the idea that this is beyond what americans would do is beyond ridiculous.”

        No one here made that assertion. BTW, Americans is capitalized.

      • maguro says:

        The Muslim world has a problem with violence against women that is orders of magnitude worse than what we have in the US. That is just a fact and your false equivalencies don’t change that in the slightest.

      • Tony Duncan says:


        then what is being said here if it is not what I suggested?


        not sure that you are right about orders of magnitude, but in many ways I agree it is worse in the middle east. icing in Denmark, I saw the beginnings of problems when Turkish and other middle eastern men moved there and their repressed sexuality met the unrepressed female sexuality. Part of the problem was merely cultural, but part was a disbelief among Danes that men could deb so cluelessly self centered and sometimes violent.

  5. Puckster says:

    What if she wasn’t affiliated with the news……would the same Egyptian women and soldiers have felt compelled to intervene? Appearance is everything.

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