Europe To Be Destroyed By Malaria

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Europe To Be Destroyed By Malaria

  1. Perry says:

    Move along there, nothing to see.

    Between Capua and Rome lay the Pontine Marshes (Pomptinae paludes), a swamp infested with malaria. A tortuous coastal road wound between Ostia at the mouth of the Tiber and Neapolis.

    The Germans stopped the pumps and flooded the region with salt water, an act of biological warfare, as they intended, under protest of their former Italian colleagues, to create an epidemic of malaria by re-establishing the brackish environment in which the mosquitoes flourished. They would entrap the allies and destroy them by epidemic.

    Tea planters knew mosquitoes came out at sunset.

  2. Paul H says:

    “Tertian malaria, a form of malaria, was prevalent in north-western parts of Germany until the 1950s before it was eradicated. ”

    Obviously NW Germany was much warmer 50 years ago then.

  3. Perry says:

    Whilst searching for information about malaria in England, I happened on this.
    “From Shakespeare to Defoe: Malaria in England in the Little Ice Age.”

    The article contains an astonishing graph that presents the MWP in all its glory. Mann was not able to “hockey stick” this paper it would seem.

  4. Latitude says:

    bring back DDT………….

  5. suyts says:

    Sigh, they’re retreading old debunked bs. Warming doesn’t cause malaria.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Old debunked climate claims never die and the don’t fade away either.

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