Evil Nature Polluting The California Coast


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Evil Nature Polluting The California Coast

  1. suyts says:

    Dang, I was looking for an article like that earlier.

  2. Bruce says:

    See you a Santa Barbara oil seep and raise you 30 m tall Santa Barbara tar volcanos. How big does an oil seep need to be to leave behind a 30 m tall pile of tar? Especially when bacteria probably ate all the easy stuff?

  3. PandR says:

    Hmmm, if you drilled for oil and started pumping, you might reduce the pollution. Greens will hate this.

  4. John Silver says:

    Food for the bugs at the bottom of the food chain. Nothing is wasted in the Oceans.
    Eat more fish.

  5. etudiant says:

    As with any pollutant, the issue is the dose.
    A volume of a hundred Exxon Valdez sized tankers over 100,000 years is much more manageable biologically than just one, but all in one week.
    That said, it is wonderful that the environment has such tremendous ability to absorb and repair damage.
    However, the cold water and near closed structure of the Valdez bay probably make the natural remediation considerably slower than in the Santa Barbara channel.

    • Mike Davis says:

      That is only one of “MANY” locations where oil is seeping out of the ground. Even the Deepwatr situation last year was minor compared to natural seepage. However natural seepage can only be controlled by removing the oil from the area by drilling, which may result in a minor blowout!

  6. Laurie says:

    Insert “Beverly Hillbillies” song here:

    Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song

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