“extremely warm temperatures in Greenland this winter”

History for Summit, Greenland


History for Alert Airport, NT Canada


Near-record snows have occurred this winter in parts of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and the South, and in many cases these snow events were followed up with arctic intrusions of air. These occurrences have many asking, “What happened to global warming?”

Temperatures continue to warm in most locations on our planet, even though the most populous regions of the United States, Europe, and Australia saw below-average temperatures in this map from December 2010 (courtesy of the UK Met Office). The important thing to take into account when looking at our departures from normal is “Is it representative of the entire planet, or is it just happening here?” There are extremely warm temperatures still occurring in eastern Russia, Canada, and Greenland this winter … the likes of which more than cancel out the colder spots on the planet.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to “extremely warm temperatures in Greenland this winter”

  1. latitude says:

    When the cold spots are reporting temps 25 degrees below normal…

    and they say the warm spots “more than cancel out the cold spots”

    Then that can only mean that the warm spots were much higher than 25 degrees above normal.

    Someone show me one warm spot, anywhere, that’s been more than 25 degrees above normal

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Yes, when it’s warm somewhere, it’s usually cold somewhere else. Is that newsworthy? Without climate scientists trying to make everyone paranoid, no one would take notice.

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