Fifth Consecutive Month Of Above Normal Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover

Daily Snow – February 8, 2011 (Day 39)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Fifth Consecutive Month Of Above Normal Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover

  1. A terrible drought, that is!!!

  2. Paul H says:

    I saw on Fox News last night that precipitation for January in the US was below normal.

    I have never been sure how snow is measured in these figures, but it seems to give the lie to the claim that “warm air” has carried more moisture and been responsible for lots of snow.

    • latitude says:

      That’s right Paul.
      I think the ratio of snow to rain is something like 12 to 1.
      12 inches of snow = 1 inch of rain.

      Usually in the winter it’s rain, and a lot more of it.

      So you’re right, this blows a big hole in their warmer Arctic/more moisture thing.

      Which blows an even bigger hole in their “we’re climate scientists” BS…..

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        cold turning what would have been little below normal rain into record snow. but the global warmers are saying “so what”. The rest of the world is laughing at them and Al Gore.

  3. Magnus says:

    Does anyone in the “skepticsphere” (to which I belong!) keep track of changes in low level cloud cover (LCC)? Wouldn’t it be interesting to compare the last year (and later 2011) with e g that a few years after the latest solar maximum, like 2003.

    (I guess Svensmark is right, as his latest studies, and CERN, shows. But without good knowledge one can of course not interpret data too simple, or with unsuitable confidence. I don’t know if the LCC data is easy to fetch. Maybe WUWT has had posts on this? A temperature delay is about 3 years, I think, but the thermostat may be set on low temperature now.)

  4. Sense Seeker says:

    So what?

    • There have been dozens of news articles written in the last couple of weeks about declining snow cover.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        It’s abovenormalbelownormal snow caused by global warming.

        In global warming when it’s above normal that means ‘below normal’. When it’s below normal then that’s ‘normal’ .

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      Sense Seeker is back, or is it Michael?

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:


        ya, so what. brilliant. Go out and start telling people face to face that the record snow is caused by global warming. you’ll find out what. But I know you’re afraid to do that. It’s easy to come and post a snide comment on the internet then run.

        Anonymous propagandizing about global warming causing record snow is easy. So what.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    More record snow and cold in the lat 2 days.

    HAMweather map,lowmax,snow

  6. Andy Weiss says:

    If it wasn’t for the endless global warming brainwashing and disinformation , would any sane person think it is warming?

  7. omnologos says:

    anybody believing we can tell between 90 and 92 and therefore declare the oceans a net sink knows little about science and has never written a scientific paper

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