“Finnish Icebreakers Face Busy Winter”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to “Finnish Icebreakers Face Busy Winter”

  1. PM says:

    Heres a link to the ice situation. On left is the ice situation this year, on right is the average situation at this time of year. There is a link to a nice ice chart or the baltic sea at the bottom of the page.


  2. Mike Davis says:

    Let’s get this straight! Who would have “Thunk”? Wind blowing from the south causes the ice to “Pack” and become thicker! Wind from the North probably would cause the ice to disperse as it drove the ice into warmer waters. Of course the wind from the South leads to warmer surface temperatures which remain below freezing but the warm anomaly is what will be promoted! With reports like this it makes the CLB appear to be total idiots!

  3. P Gosselin says:

    It’s been cold as hell up in Scandinavia. A few days ago the temperature in Sweden fell below -40!

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