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Gingrich : Rule Of Obama Replacing Rule Of Law
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Yeh, that’s our idiot in chief. Picking laws he wants to enforce, discarding others. Ignoring Federal judge’s orders. And repubs are dawdling.
Ultimately, the Supreme Court will determine what is lawful, not Obama or Gingrich.
So until the Supreme Court can rule on something (or maybe even after if Obama doesn’t like the decision) Obama is free to run wild.
Andy, you are assuming that someone will actually do something to stop Barry. So far, I have been sorely disappointed that nobody seems to have the guts to do what is necessary. If ever there were a president that should be impeached and removed from office, this POS is it. On top of all of that, he become a security liability for the people of the United States of America and our allies.
Impeach the hack and start the procedure today.
Send the man out of office, NOBAMA
I would LOVE to see impeachment proceedings against Obama.
How republicans would twist themselves around their objections to Bush being impeached for starting an illegal war based on lies that were partly fabricated by the administration, almost uncountable actions that totally superceded of the Bill of Rights, national and international law, and the military code of justice, would be quite entertaining.
That democracy going on in the middle east now sucks. It was better when the UN and Clinton were starving half a million Iraqi children over their belief that Saddam had WMDs.
We killed them much nicer back then. Well, sure it was a longer drawn out and more torturous affair, but hey, that’s what starving is.
I guess it’s lost on Tony that BO has continued with all of GB’s policies that he found objectionable. Tony, why do you say that was an “illegal” war? I’ve always been curious about that.
BTW, Tony, on many of those, I agree, they were far too overreaching. We should have simply closed our borders and been done with much of that.
Yeah. that whole left wing democracy thing is CRAZY. Glad you have seen through it.
Crime rates were almost non existent in Iraq before Bush screwed things up there and the islamists were firmly under control.
Thanks for acknowledging that it was at least overreaching.
It is NOT lost on me that Obama has continued and even extended some of Bush’s worst abuses. I blame the democrats for being p**ssies about Bush, and just rolling over for fear of getting creamed in 2004. Because of that, the bar has been lowered to a dangerous level. I still don’t understand why almost no one on the right ( a few exceptions) are concerned about Obama’s power to wiretap, kidnap, detain and murder whoever he wants. But I guess most of you trust him too much to abuse his authority?
Gassing Kurds wasn’t a crime in Iraq. Neither was torturing soccer players for losing the World Cup.
As for sanctions,
I don’t recall any one on the right complaining about sanctions by Clinton for humanitarian reasons. As I recall it was the left that tried to make an issue of this, but the dems and repubs were too concerned with showing how tough the US was.
Of course some say that sanctions are what caused Saddam to give up his weapons programs. SO if it wasn’t for Clinton maybe NY would be a crater with millions dead?
Also sanctions were actually legally enforced, with UN backing. It may have been horrible and inhumane, but it was legal and above board and didn’t undermine the constitution.
Why do dems run for office? They blame everything on republicans even when they have both houses of congress and the presidency.
you don’t mean the gassing of Kurds that the Reagan admin ignored for years, because they didn’t want to make “our friend” who was fighting the religious zealots in Iran, look bad?
But after all, Iraq was not a democracy and Saddam had free reign to stop those evil Kurds from destroying the country.
And if torturing works, as Bush Cheney suggest, why not use it to motivate your sports teams!
The dems have not controlled both houses recently. Don’t you remember in 2008, there was a new rule that when republicans are in the minority it requires 60 votes to pass legislation in the senate.
1992 The Democrats nonetheless retained a majority in the House and Senate, and with a new Democratic President, they seemed to be in a position of great strength. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_1992
can’t argue with you about ’92.
No matter how bad things get the MSM will just say it would be worse if Obama and his cronies were not in charge. For most if MSM tells them that it is raining, when in fact a person is peeing on them, they believe it.
“Crime rates were almost non existent in Iraq before Bush screwed things up there and the islamists were firmly under control.’ -Tony Duncan
“Also sanctions were actually legally enforced, with UN backing. It may have been horrible and inhumane, but it was legal and above board and didn’t undermine the constitution.” -TD
You’ve got to be kidding me. Maurice Strong, you’re free to come back from China now.
I was not kidding you, I was teasing Steve. He is used to it
Using poison gas against tens of thousands of civilians vs. waterboarding terrorists (all of 4 people!) – they’re equivalent if you’re on the Left. (Just like equating the minor social hysteria spawned by Joseph McCarthy with the Great Terror of Mr. Stalin.)
TonyD – you gave yourself away by claiming that the American military behaves like the army of Ghengis Kahn. You fooled me at first, but clearly you’re a Pod Person.
I can only wonder what Henry James might have done with creatures like yourself. It would have made for interesting reading.
except it was the LEFT that opposed BOTH the torture and the gassing, while the right largely supported both. (and there have been hundreds if not thousands tortured by order of the Bush admin in the US Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and other places). It was also the left that attacked Clinton for the sanctions, and for the war in Iraq, and for the other. Although there were some real conservatives that opposed all these things, they were totally marginalized, by the right.
And I suppose there are a few dozen communists left in the US that equate McCarthyism with Stalinism if you want to call them leftists.
And where have i said any general comments about the army being like Ghengis Khan hordes. There are quite a few members of the military that stood up against the push in that direction. One of them was HIRED by Bush to investigate just that issue!