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Global Cooling Coming Back Into Vogue
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it’s always wide spread famine and disease………
…yet these people do not mind one bit taking all that money away from the current wide spread famine and disease
Cooling, warming, what’s the differenceto the fear mongers.
In Britain, long time popularizer of science on the BBC is being vilified by the global warming activists:
Wait till Colonel Goredaffi hears about this. He will quickly lay claim to global cooling, as well as the internet and global warming.
Its only a matter of time before Goddamn Sucks & Gore create the worlds first Oxygen trading scheme and screw the public again. We will all have to buy oxygen permits.
His new move “The inconvenient truth about the inconvenient truth” will win a nobel peace prize. And round we go again.
It’s models all the way down
If AGW ever gets out of hand, there appears to be a very good remedy. Simply set off a few nukes and we can reduce global temperature to whatever is desired!